
First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Oleksandr Chumachenko Ph.D. National University of Life and Environmental Science of Ukraine
Kiev, Ukraine
Evgeniya Kryvoviaz Ph.D. National University of Life and Environmental Science of Ukraine
Kiev, Ukraine
Anton Koshel Ph.D. National University of Life and Environmental Science of Ukraine
Kiev, Ukraine
Oksana Kustvska Ph.D. National University of Life and Environmental Science of Ukraine
Kiev, Ukraine
Andrii Martyn Sc.D. National University of Life and Environmental Science of Ukraine
Kiev, Ukraine

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First published on this website: 28.08.2020 - 16:49

The present study addresses issues of regeneration of land,that was deteriorated during hostilities in the East of Ukraine, taking into account the characteristics and consequences of world military conflicts of the twentieth to twenty-first centuries. The causes of socio-economic and environmental problems in the conduct of hostilities are reflected and the foreign experience of the resumption of disturbed territories is analyzed. Regulatory and legal support for work plays an important role in the regeneration and return of land for use, concerning  egeneration of land, certain legislative amendments and additions , application of GIS technologies in assessing the state of the territories and determining the level of damage , use of drones for search and rescue and for expediting clearance in open areas.

Calculation of the cost of demining was proposed in accordance with the chosen methodology of demining, revival vectors of land damaged during hostilities are described. Possible alternative ways of renewing land are given on the example of one of soil conservation. We focused on the results of violated and contaminated territories; sources of financing for recultivation are suggested. Testing of the theoretical-methodologenic approaches used in the study was carried out during the renewal (recultivation) process of the agricultural land of Stepanivska Village Council, Shakhtarsk district, Donetsk oblast, that was deteriorated during hostilities. A set of works (measures) for the restoration of damaged and contaminated land in the area under study has been identified.

A topical issue of the present time is the advisability and promising ways and means of using land contaminated by munitions, with the selection of the most effective foreign and domestic methods of resuming the affected territories.

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