Non-simultaneous double-way trigonometric leveling


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Rostyslav Solskyi No Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv, Ukraine
Serhii Periy Sc.D. Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv, Ukraine
Volodymyr Litynskyi No Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv, Ukraine

I and my co-authors (if any) authorize the use of the Paper in accordance with the Creative Commons CC BY license

First published on this website: 31.10.2020 - 20:23

Abstract. The investigations of the accuracy of the proposed method of double-ended non-simultaneous trigonometrical leveling by topographical electronic tachometers on the Berezhany training and research geodetic site were performed. The comparative analysis of the results of double-ended trigonometrical leveling and II class geometrical leveling on the chosen geodetic network was conducted. It was established that the differences between the elevations obtained by double-ended trigonometrical leveling and geometrical leveling correspond to accuracy tolerance of the II class.

  1. Litynskyy V. O. Peculiarities of applying the double-ended trigonometrical leveling / Litynskyy V., Perij S.S., Sukhorekov V.O. Visnyk heodeziyi ta kartohrafiyi [Scientific Herald of Geodesy and Cartography]. 2013. № 1. P. 10-13.
  2. Perij S. The application of trigonometrical leveling for transferring the heights above the water surfaces / S. Perij, O. Moroz, T. Korliatovych, I. Pokotylo. Suchasni dosjahnennia geodezychnoyi nauky ta vyrobnytstva [Current achievements of geodetic science and production]. 2017. Issue I (33). P. 65-68.
  3.  Perij S. S. Application of trigonometrical traverses for creating a height basis / S. Perij, T. Korliatovych, I. Pokotylo // Environmental monitoring, photogrammetry, geoinformation – modern technologies and development prospects: Materials of the 8th International Scientific and Technical Conference, 14-16 of September, Lviv, Skhidnytsia, Ukraine. Lviv: Publishing house of Lviv Polytechnic. 1 electronic optical disc (CD-ROM). P.73-78.
  4. Perij S. Investigation of accuracy of methods of trigonometric leveling during the transmission of elevations over water surfaces /S. Perij, I. Pokotylo, T. Korliatovych // Heodeziya, kartohrafiya i aerofotoznimannya [Geodesy, cartography and aerophotography]. 2017. Issue 85. P.18-26.


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Tue, 11/03/2020 - 16:58


  1. Litynskyy V., Perij S.S., Sukhorekov V.O. 2013. Peculiarities of applying the double-ended trigonometrical leveling.  Bulletin of Geodesy and Cartography. № 1. P. 10-13.
  2. S. Perij, O. Moroz, T. Korliatovych, I. Pokotylo 2017. The application of trigonometrical leveling for transferring the heights above the water surfaces. Modern achievements of geodetic science and production. Issue I (33). P. 65-68.
  3. Перій С., Корлятович Т., Покотило І. (2017). Застосування тригонометричних траверс для створення основи висоти (магістерська робота, Львів, Східниця, Україна, 2017) (с. 1 електронний оптичний диск (CD-ROM) -P.73-78). Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки.
  4. Perij, S., Pokotylo, I., & Korliatovych, N. (2017). Дослідження точності методів тригонометричного нівелювання під час проходження висот над водними поверхнями. Геодезія, картографія та аерофотозйомка , (85), 18-26.
Mon, 11/09/2020 - 15:17