An impact of dynamic loading on the slopes in the Carpathian region of Ukraine


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Volodymyr Tytarenko Ph.D. The State Research Institute of Building Constructions
Kyiv, Ukraine
Valeriy Shuminskiy Ph.D. The State Research Institute of Building Constructions
Kyiv, Ukraine
Yaroslav Dombrovskyi Ph.D. The State Research Institute of Building Constructions
Kyiv, Ukraine
Anatolii Sirenko Ph.D. National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI n.a. Igor Sikorsky"
Kyiv, Ukraine
Mykhailo Yakovenko No The State Research Institute of Building Constructions
Kyiv, Ukraine
Iurii Kaliukh Ph.D. The State Research Institute of Building Constructions
Kyiv, Ukraine

I and my co-authors (if any) authorize the use of the Paper in accordance with the Creative Commons CC BY license

First published on this website: 29.09.2020 - 12:05

In the city of Chernivtsi and its region there are numerous occurrences of landslides in the Neogene argillaceous deposits. Such slopes feature the complex spatial stress-strain state caused by the processes of the Neogene clays deconsolidation and seismic activities. Lateral spreads, earthflows and slides are widespread. The risk that buildings and structures can be destroyed increases not only by the impact of grade 7-9 earthquake shocks and vibrations but also by weaker earthquakes with a magnitude 5-6. Under complex ground conditions of Ukraine, seismic waves can result in destruction of buildings and structures due to the following unfavorable conditions: activation of potential landslides and development of enormous ground cracks with creation of opening up to 1-2m wide, and 7-10 m deep and even more; triggering of fractured rocks falls from benches and steep slopes; enhancement of coast erosion action; intensive formation and streaming of mudflows in mudflow hazardous areas because of activation of thixotropic liquefaction of degraded loess masses under foundations of buildings and structures. As a result, they lose their bearing capacity; activation of suffusion which gradually changes from slow suffusion removal of soil to a catastrophic out-burst of rarefied soil masses. Three main patterns and models of landslide process development (flow, sliding, shear) of change are distinguished, that modeling the litho-dynamic of landslide-dangerous slopes in clays of Neogene Age in the region of Carpathians of Poland and Ukraine. It is set that for the shear landslides the middle width is 11,5 m, maximal width is 40 m, middle width on edge is 23,5 m, middle extent of slope is 380 m, middle width on front is 1000 m and slope angle of slide surface, is not exceed 15 except the area of edge. Consideration is being given to the use of accelerograms of real earthquakes for calculation of strain-stress state of landslide-prone slopes of Chernovtsy city by using PLAXIS software. As a result of numeral modeling of the stress-strain state of shear landslides by direct dynamic method on the basis of software PLAXIS there was found out: the seismic events with intensity up to 6 on a Medvedev scale can considerably to worsen the soil behavior in the slide zone and to effect on slope firmness and value of shear pressure.


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