About the need of modernization the Ukrainian height system


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Bohdan Dzhuman Ph.D. bohdan.b.dzhuman@lpnu.ua Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv, Ukraine
Fedir Zablotskyi Sc.D. fedir.d.zablotskyi@lpnu.ua Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv, Ukraine

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First published on this website: 09.11.2020 - 09:50

Nowadays work is underway to integrate the leveling network of Ukraine into the UELN (United European Leveling Network) to ensure the determination of the heights of geodetic points and terrain objects in the UELN/EVRS2000 height system. To fully coordination the height system of Ukraine with modern European GIS standards, it is necessary to have a high-precision reference surface of the height reference system (geoid surface), corresponding with the European geoid EGG07. The purpose of this work is to analyze the existing models of (quasi)geoid on the Ukraine area. It is investigated that the most accurate model is UQG2012. Despite this, the deviation of this model even at some points of State Geodetic Network (SGN) of I class can reach 8 cm, and at other points up to 23 cm. The model of the European geoid EGG07 is difficult to use from a practical point of view in Ukraine area because it is tied to the Amsterdam benchmark, and the average deviation, relative to the benchmarks in the Baltic Height System, reaches 25 cm. In order to fully coordination the height system of Ukraine with the modern European GIS standard according to the INSPIRE directive, it is necessary to build a high-precision model of the geoid surface, consistent with the European geoid EGG07, after the integration of Ukraine's leveling network into the European leveling network UELN.


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