Review of an article submitted to the conference

Approval status: Accept after acknowledging of remarks
Date Published: 18.06.2023 - 13:26
The article's title reflects the content and purpose of the article? 
Was the aim of the work clearly defined and successfully accomplished? 
Does the article embrace contemporary issues in the area? 
Does the article contain new and not published results? 
I do not know
Was the article clearly written and easily understood? 
Understood with effort
Conclusions illustrate the research results, recommendations and giving suggestions for future research 
The references are full and grounded? 
How adequate was the writing and used terminology? 
Rather adequate
Remarks and suggestions to the authors of the article 

The article may be published after some text corrections. 

The text of the atricle contains some technical mistakes, e. g.

"τsad" it is better to change to "τsed";

 text "Cu (17.9 wt. .%)" contains extra full stop.

There are some suggestions for use of therminology:

Chain in "synthesis–structure–properties chain" it is better to change to "relationship";

"polymerization velocity" - to "polymerization rate".

It is mentioned that lots of parameters were investigated but there is no description of influence of some of them on the process of polymerization in the text of the article: "The influence of temperature,concentration, filler nature as well as the polymer:monomer phase ratio on the polymerization kinetics of the studied compositions was studied." Thus the authors could add some descriptions and explanatons to the text or change the above mentioned sentence.

I confirm that there is no conflict of interests regarding reviewed article. 
I have read this submission. I believe that I have an appropriate level of expertise to confirm that it is of an acceptable scientific standard, however I have insignificant reservations, as outlined above.


oleksandr.ivashchuk's picture
administrator, reviewer, secretary

Authors have sent by mail the new version of the paper. Thank the reviewer for the efforts and attention

theses2angver1.pdf141.88 KB
Sun, 06/25/2023 - 22:54