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Applicant: mohwardi
Your disciplines 
Religious studies & Theology
Social & Behavioral Sciences
Short Biography 
I am lecturer in Al-Amien University, as Assessor Accreditaion BAN PAUD PNF, Assessor BKD, Assesor Teacher Professional Education (PPG) Ministry of Education and Culture, Reviewer of Litapdimas Ministry of Religion, Reviewer journal of Islamic religious education TADRIS IAIN Madura, Reviewer journal of Islamic religious education JPAI UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Reviewer journal of Islamic religious JPA UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Other Information 
I as Reviewer of the Nazhruna journal indexed by Scopus, Reviewer of the Munadhomah journal indexed by Scopus, Reviewer of the International Journal of Educational Development journal indexed by Scopus, Reviewer of the Social Science & Humanities Open journal indexed by Scopus.
Scopus Author ID