The development of the modern world economy is inextricably linked to the growth of energy needs and, accordingly, to the growth of its production rates. Therefore, the problem of providing energy for many countries of the world is becoming the number one problem today. This is caused by many factors: the general increase in world production, the development of transport and telecommunications, the development of remote mineral deposits, waste disposal, the growth of energy consumption in everyday life (heating, lighting, powering household appliances), the technical rearmament of armies, industry, agriculture, etc. Stocks of fossil fuel resources, which are used to generate energy, are exhaustive and every year they are getting smaller. As a result, there is a problem of replacing them with alternative sources, through the use of non-traditional and renewable energy sources (RES).
The expediency of using these types of sources is also determined by their advantage in the environmental issue, by reducing environmental pollution. Therefore, the study of renewable energy sources in general, and solar energy in particular, is an important scientific and applied task.
The GIS database for the needs of non-conventional and renewable energy sources is filled with data from various information sources and includes sets of spatial and attributive data, which in turn form thematic cartographic layers, on the basis of which, in turn, individual maps of non-conventional and renewable energy sources of various types are compiled functional orientation and cover their various directions. The work described the location, natural zone, soil cover of the study area, and also graphically displayed the natural potential of solar energy of Chernihiv district of Chernihiv region by conducting geospatial analysis and building interpolation.
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