The Kinetics of Oxypropionic Acid on Natural Zeolite

Vira Sabadash1
Jaroslav Gumnitskij1
  1. Department of Ecology and Sustainable Nature Management (ESNM), Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv, S. St. George Square, 2

This paper presents the results of experimental studies of the kinetics of ion exchange adsorption of lactic acid by zeolite in the periodic conditions. The results of experimental studies make it possible to determine the kinetic coefficients of the diffusion process


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[2] Hyvlyud A. Kinetic of adsorption oxy propionic acid by natural zeolite /A.M.Hyvlyud V.V .Sabadash, J.M. Gumnitskij // Proceedings ONAFT. - Odessa, 2014. - Vol. 45.- Vol.2. - P. 25-30.