Tribotechnical Characteristics of VT22 Titanium Alloy after Nitriding, Combined with Heat Treatment

Serhii Lavrys1
Taras Kovbasyuk2
Oleh Penkovyi2
  1. Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine, Lviv, Naukova Street 5.
  2. Applied Materials Science and Materials Engineering Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv, S. Bandery street 12.

Nitriding of VT22 titanium alloy, combined with its standard heat treatment in a single technological cycle was proposed. It was shown that after thermodiffusion saturation the microhardness and depth of the hardened surface layer of VT22 alloy increased, but the quality machined surface worsened. It was established that the increase time of nitriding process worsened the tribotechnical characteristics of friction pair nitrided VT22 alloy – BrAZhN 10-4-4 bronze.

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