The prospects of the emergence of new ITprofessions are considered, according to the latest forecasts of the future development of the Internet.
[1] In Ukraine, by the beginning of 2017, 21.6 million Internet users have been charged. [Electronic resource]- Access mode: 2017-roku-narahovano-21-6-mln-koristuvachiv-internetu
[2] L. Krauss, “Why Science-Fiction Writers Couldn’t Imagine the Internet/ Krauss L., 2017. – magine_the_internet.html
[3] B. Shirvell, “15 predictions for the future of the Internet” / Shirvell B., 2017. – [Electronic resource]-Access mode 15-predictions-future-internet.
[4] Sparks and Honey “20 jobs of the Future” / 2017 [Electronic resource]- Access mode