For the predictive assessment of promising prospecting and exploration areas, as well as separate forecasting of individual productive horizons of prospecting and exploration areas for oil and gas, it is necessary to establish regularities in the placement of already explored hydrocarbon deposits, taking into account the structural-tectonic structure, lithological-stratigraphic features, hydrogeological and geothermobaric conditions of the oil and gas-bearing region The relationship between geothermobaric parameters and the phase state of hydrocarbons in a vertical section should serve as an important factor for solving the given problem.
1. Geothermal conditions of the Eastern oil and gas region of Ukraine / I. Kurovets, O. Prykhodko, I. Hrytsyk, S. Melnychuk // Geology and geochemistry of combustible fossils. — No. 2 (179). — 2019. P. 47—54
2. Vertical thermobaric zonation of hydrocarbon deposits of the Eastern oil and gas region of Ukraine / O. Prykhodko, I. Hrytsyk, I. Kurovets, S. Melnychuk // Geology and geochemistry of combustible fossils. – No. 3 (180). - 2019. P. - 60 -75.
3. Atlas of oil and gas deposits of Ukraine (1998): in 6 volumes / Under the editorship. M. M. Ivanyuty. – Lviv: Center of Europe, – T. I–III: Eastern oil and gas region. - 1413 p