Perspectives of three-dimensional modeling of geodetic surveys in the assessment of real estate

Engineering Surveying & Deformation Monitoring
Engineering Surveying & Deformation Monitoring


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Dmytro Khainus Ph.D. dmitry.khainus [at] State Biotechnological University
Kharkiv, Ukraine
Tetiana Anopriienko Ph.D. atatyanav2017 [at] State Biotechnological University
Kharkiv, Ukraine
Dmytro SOPOV Ph.D. lnu.sopov [at] Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University
Poltava, Ukraine
Alona IUKHNO Ph.D. alena_iukhno [at] State Biotechnological University
Kharkiv, Ukraine
Mykola SAVCHENKO No mykola.s [at] State Biotechnological University
Kharkiv, Ukraine

I and my co-authors (if any) authorize the use of the Paper in accordance with the Creative Commons CC BY license

First published on this website: 12.08.2022 - 21:15

The issue of using three-dimensional modeling to create a 3D cadastre in Ukraine is becoming more and more relevant every year. The development of the 3D cadastre will contribute to the introduction of 3D registration, as the registration of not only a certain part of the territory, but also a certain space to which the right of ownership extends according to the law. The creation of a 3D cadastre will contribute to obtaining more clear, objective, reliable, visual land cadastral information about real estate objects, which in turn will have an economic and social effect in the evaluation of land and real estate [1].

One of the main tasks of geodetic science is the study of issues of determining the area of the site, its exact geodetic dimensions, geographic coordinates and features of the relief [2]. Also of great importance is engineering geodesy, which examines areas for future construction, which is quite relevant in today's realities, for the post-war reconstruction of our country and the assessment of real estate.

Modern possibilities for processing and transforming spatial graphic information using computer programs allow solving a wide range of tasks related to the construction of three-dimensional models for construction and land management. The problems solved by applied geodesy are no exception.

An important scientific direction of geoinformatics is a set of actions related to the integration of all possible options for collecting, processing and transmitting information with further automatic processing.

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