Influence of the Refractories Chemical Composition Onto Opal Glass Furnace Durability

Olena Khoruzhenko1
Vladyslav Lykhyi1
  1. Chemical Tehnology of Ceramics and Glass Department, Chemical Technology Faculty, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine, Kyiv, Peremogy ave. 37

In this paper, study of refractories corrosion processes at a basic production stage of an opal glass were described. Main problem of the glass furnaces for opal glass is unability to use high-zirconia oxide lining because of fragility such refractories, caused by transition of zirconium oxide crystals from monocline crystal system to cubic crystal system. There was found the optimal chemical composition for such purposes, based on Zirconia Aluminum Silicates which may increase the term of service of furnaces.


[1] Islamov M. Sh., "Pechi khimicheskoi promyshlenosti'' ["Сhemical industry furnaces"] , Leningrad office Publ.USSR: Leningrad., 1975, pp. 280-282.

[2] Doyle P. J., Glass-making today. England: Redhill. Portcullis press, 1979, pp. 40-41.