3D Visualization of Geological Layer - a case study of New South Wales, Australia and the Wadi Feiran Basin, Sinai

3d Modeling & Visualization for Geology & Mining


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Nicola Schuckert No nicola.schuckert@hft-stuttgart.de Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences
Stuttgart, Germany

I and my co-authors (if any) authorize the use of the Paper in accordance with the Creative Commons CC BY license

First published on this website: 13.08.2021 - 10:24

The work compares and evaluates different possibilities of 3D visualization of geological layer in a Geographic Information System (GIS).

The investigations are done by using ArcGIS Pro - a software developed by Esri – because it offers strong 3D visualization functionalities.

Workflows for creating 3D boreholes, 3D solids and voxel layers are generated. In addition, a toolbox for the visualization is implemented into ArcGIS Pro.

The research shows that ArcGIS offers strong possibilities for 3D visualizations of geological layers. Especially 3D boreholes and voxel layer can be created in a few steps. The generation of 3D solids is possible but has some disadvantages.

The toolbox gives good results and is particularly suitable for people who are not used to working with a GIS.

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