Numerical solution of parametric optimization of the resonant vibro-impact system with technological limitations

Volodymyr Gursky
  1. Department of Mechanics and Automation Engineering (MAE), Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv, S. Bandery street 12.

The purpose of research: development of method of optimization of the resonance vibro-impact system stiffness parameters with technological limitations of kinematic and dynamic characteristics. The synthesis is based on a numerical dynamic analysis which uses methods of tackling nonlinear differential system of equations. The discrete algorithm of choice-based optimization of synthesized coefficients of asymmetric lump linear stiffness characteristic with limitations imposed on technological parameters and system frequency characteristics is proposed. Optimal parameters of a vibroimpact machine are determined by the maximum of power criteria, which is the ratio of maximum acceleration of the working mass to the current value of the power consumption of a mechanical system.

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