
First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Anatolii Vivat No National university Lviv polytechnic
Lviv, Ukraine
Natalia Nazarchuk No National university Lviv polytechnic
Lviv, Ukraine
Ivan Brusak No National university Lviv polytechnic
Lviv, Ukraine
Oleksandr Hrabovyi No National university Lviv polytechnic
Lviv, Ukraine

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First published on this website: 31.10.2020 - 18:06

In the investigation the analysis of MEMS sensors for future research in geodetic monitoring systems on two examples is performed. Firstly, the heights of special points on the metal ruler are determined by various devices including 3 smartphones with different MEMS sensors. This approach could be used for special tasks, but it is not enough for the creation of an automated monitoring system based only on the phone MEMS sensors. Secondly, the accuracy in the dynamic and static mode of the Bwsensing NB-WM 410 with MEMS sensor is investigated. Using the special system with the Leica 1205 total station, it was found that the accuracy of the inclinometer 0.01° could be used in some tasks of geodetic monitoring at constant measurement temperatures. Power and data transmission via WIFI channel is configured, which allows automating the measurement process. The special data from devices is transmitted to the server, recorded in a table, and displayed on graphs. In the future, it is planned to develop software that will report the danger if the permissible limit is exceeded.


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