"Green" Technology for Nitric Acid Production: Is it Real?

Roman N. Fedotov1 deadweasel@mail.ru
Ayodeji A. Ijagbuji1 dejiijagbuji@yahoo.com
  1. Tehnological Institute, East Ukranian National University named after Vladimir Dahl', Ukraine, Severodonetsk, Soviet avenue 59-a

This paper is intended to solve the problem of creating environmentally friendly technology for the nitric acid production. On the basis of existing production theanalysis of produced waste and methods of disposal was carry out. The new technological solutions for the chemical industry that will achieve a low or non-waste technology is a cavitation of HOOH. Thus, due to the intensification of the absorption step, it is possible to increase the yield of the final product (HNO3) by 20 % and reduce emissions of gaseous wastes to levels appropriate sanitary norm without further purification. In our opinion, this technological approach can be quite useful for the present chemical industry which completely rules out the catalytic-purification stage.


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