
National Interests of Ukraine in Implementing the Baltic-Black Sea Union Project

The aim of the paper is to determine national interests of Ukraine as a potential member of the Baltic-Black Sea Union. Also it is important to examine historical retrospective of the development the idea of the Baltic-Black Sea Union. Particular attention is paid to the advantages and disadvantages of new regional organization for Ukrainian national interests. It is hoped this study will inform students, scholars and other interested persons about idea of the Baltic-Black Sea Union, peculiarities of its implementation and prospects for development.

Economic costs of corruption development in Ukraine and ways to overcome them in terms of European integration

The article represents the present state and level of corruption in Ukraine according to key international corruption ratings. On this basis the urgency of Ukraine’s fight against corruption is proved in terms of European integration. In the article it is emphasized on the present and future economic costs of corruption development in Ukraine. As the result, the key tasks of Ukraine’s fight against corruption are identified.