
Determination of the Activation Energy of the Reaction of Photosynthesis in Chlorophyll Synthesizing Microalgae

The dynamics of absorption of carbon dioxide at corresponding temperature by microalgae Chlorella was studied. The results of experimental research will allow to calculate the energy of activating photochemical reaction and other values of kinetics of increase of microalgae within the limits of the investigating temperatures. The analytical dependence of coefficient of growth biomass on temperature within the limits of the investigating temperature was established. The stages of transport of carbon dioxide from air to internal volume of microalgae cell was determined through literature.

About problem of absorption of greenhouse gas by chlorophyilsynthesizing microalgae in the presence of sulfur dioxide

The presence of non-competitive reverse inhibition by sulfur dioxide in the process of photosynthesis based on the Lineweaver-Burk theory was theoretically justified and experimentally proved. The mathematical description of the growth of the cells of the microalgae is given and as a result of processing experimental data the growth rates of the algae at certain values of inhibitor concentration was defined. Based on the obtained values the analytical dependence of growth rate of biomass from the substance of inhibitor was redused.