The Potential of Port Buildings and Structures for Further Renovation under Cultural - Community Centers

Eksareva N. M. 1
Ganna Gormakh2
  1. Odessa State Academy of Building and Architecture, Ukraine, Odessa, Didrihsone street 4

In the article the receptions of social activation and reconstruction of port industrial buildings under cultural - community centres and aspects of their forming are examined. The tendency of reconstruction of port territories under entertaining and health areas of the city, adaptation of technical buildings for the rest of population and sportinghealth measures, for the device of temporal city holidays and festivals is exposed


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[2] 31.3.05-97 Norms of technological designing of seaports.
[3] N. M. Eksaryova, "Guidelines for the development of project - Reconstruction, adaptation of historic buildings under cultural and household objects, Odessa, 1993