Remote Sensing & GIS for Environmental Monitoring


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Galyna Bayrak Ph.D. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Lviv, Ukraine
Artem Denysiuk No Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Lviv, Ukraine

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First published on this website: 24.08.2024 - 16:26

The modern processes of soil erosion on the Rivne Plateau were studied using GIS, remote sensing, field and laboratory analyses. Different forms of spatial distribution of soil erosion associated with the presence of a relict cryogenic microrelief and denudation surfaces were revealed. Using high-resolution satellite data, their round-spotted, branched and continuous forms have been determined. A combined analysis of DEM, satellite data, and hydrological modeling results was performed in the QGIS software environment. The Open Topography DEM Downloader module, the SAGA software product with Terrain Analysis – Hydrology analysis tools, were used for research. The flow paths of water streams during torrential rainfall and the places of their concentration along the slopes have been determined. According to field and laboratory studies, weak, medium and strong degrees of soil erosion have been established for the key area. Soil samples were taken and the content of humus, carbon dioxide and granulometric composition of the samples were determined. The presence of three types of soil erosion in the area of ​​the denudation surface was confirmed. On the highest part of this surface, the content of humus is 2.5 times lower and carbon dioxide is 1.5 times lower than at the foot of the slope. In addition, near the top, the soil has 2.1 times less silt-dust particles than at the foot, indicating that they have been washed away. Humus-poor soils on microhighs have the lightest shades of color on satellite images. Changes in the area of erosion were researched using multi-temporal satellite data. Space images from 2002 and 2018 were analyzed and it was established that the eroded areas are increasing. The area of medium-eroded land increased by 1.7-2.2 times. The area of highly eroded land is generally small, amounting to a few hundredths of a hectare, but it has expanded almost 10 times over the past 15 years. Researches indicate that the use of these lands should be radically changed, with crop rotation, organic fertilizers to strengthen the soil, and a change in ploughing direction. GIS and remote sensing methods will allow for regular monitoring of changes on the land surface, and will enable more accurate and timely investigation of spatial erosion, which will contribute to the development of effective strategies for soil management and protection.


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