Evaluation of the Base Ground Deformation of Riverside Slopes Fortification by Reinforced Concrete Slabs

Engineering Surveying & Deformation Monitoring


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Stepan Kuzmych No kuzmych_vg21@nuwm.edu.ua National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
Rivne, Ukraine
Vasyl Guryn Sc.D. v.a.guryn@nuwm.edu.ua National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
Rivne, Ukraine
Maksym Radchuk No hundert-way@ukr.net National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
Rivne, Ukraine

I and my co-authors (if any) authorize the use of the Paper in accordance with the Creative Commons CC BY license

First published on this website: 23.08.2023 - 00:07

The deformation characteristics of the soil of the foundation of shore fortification with reinforced concrete slabs are evaluated, particularly the soil's resistance to landslides, subsidence, erosion, etc. This assessment makes it possible to predict the stability of reinforced concrete hydro-technical structures, in particular, the slabs of the channel slopes


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