Detailed historical reconstruction of the routes from Kyiv to Constantinople within Eastern Podillia using GIS methods

Remote Sensing & GIS for Environmental Monitoring
Remote Sensing & GIS for Environmental Monitoring


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Lviv, Ukraine
Lviv, Ukraine
Lviv, Ukraine

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First published on this website: 13.08.2022 - 23:08

The purpose of this study is a detailed reconstruction of a fragment of the ancient route from Kyiv to Constantinople, which ran through the territory of Eastern Podillia. Specifically, a section of the road between Pavoločka and Bratslav was chosen, as well as a branch of routes from Bratslav to Soroky and Rashkiv. The initial data for the study were non-geospatial data in the form of historical descriptions of 1419 and 1711-1714, as well as raster data in the form of a DEM, from which relief parameters, slopes, and hydrography were obtained. Several routes were constructed using GIS methods based on least-cost path analysis. In addition, the Black Tatar Road was marked as a source of danger for merchants. The obtained results made it possible to single out an older path, which in the future makes it possible to develop theoretical models of the processes of urbanization in Podillya in the 15th-18th centuries.


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