Features of land cover mapping in the low-accuracy areas on large-scale maps for land management

Land Cover Mapping & UAV
Land Cover Mapping & UAV


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Iryna Koshkalda Sc.D. irinavit1506@gmail.com State Biotechnological University
Kharkiv , Ukraine
Serhii Vynohradenko Ph.D. s.vinogradenko@gmail.com State Biotechnological University
Kharkiv , Ukraine
Victor Kulbaka Ph.D. Kulbaka8787@ukr.net Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Dnipro, Ukraine
Daniel Steshchenko No capitannoobito@gmail.com State Biotechnological University
Kharkiv , Ukraine

I and my co-authors (if any) authorize the use of the Paper in accordance with the Creative Commons CC BY license

First published on this website: 11.08.2022 - 11:09

Considered aspects regarding by the need to solve the research and technical problem of providing information support for the assessment of the state of land resource mapping and their management using modern geoinformation technologies, the development and optimization of interconnected algorithms and programs.  Used an integrated land cover classification method targeting low-accuracy regions on large-scale maps. Low-accuracy areas can be detected by estimating the accuracy of the data with a moderate resolution spectroradiometer. This method optimizes the entire classification process, including image selection, as well as the classification algorithm and features.  An optimal algorithm of classification and features for various regions with low accuracy is proposed, which can be used in the process of regulation and management of land relations.



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