Mathematical modelling of seismic activation of landslides in the Neogene clay of the Carpathian region

Earth Surface Processes & Geodynamics
Earth Surface Processes & Geodynamics


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Iurii Kaliukh Sc.D. makimota2002 [at] State Research Institute of Building Constructions
Kyiv, Ukraine
Olena Voloshkina Sc.D. e.voloshki [at] Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
Kyiv, Ukraine
Iryna Korduba Ph.D. uaror-korduba [at] Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
Kyiv, Ukraine
Olena Zhukova Ph.D. elenazykova21 [at] Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
Kyiv, Ukraine
Artem Honcharenko No hosting.pat [at] Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
Kyiv, Ukraine

I and my co-authors (if any) authorize the use of the Paper in accordance with the Creative Commons CC BY license

First published on this website: 04.08.2022 - 08:20

The report covers regional properties of stress-strain state of landslides with a plane of sliding lying in Neogene clays. Three main patterns and models of landslide process development (lateral spreads, earthflows and slides) for the Carpathian region of Ukraine are determined. The known greatest Chernivtsi landslides are lateral spreads with sliding surfaces lying in the Neogene clays. The lateral spreads occur on the slopes with rocks underlying fast horizontally. For the landslide slopes that are prone to lateral spreads the following section and form of sliding plane are specific: height exceeds 30m; length in a plan is not less than 70 m; front width exceeds 50 m; and sliding surface inclination does not exceed 15°. The specific section of the landslide combined with the regional features of a soil base therefore leads to some peculiar properties of landslide pressure distribution diagram and development of technical solutions on design of supporting landslide-protective buildings. The thicknesses of engineer and geological elements are not given purposely. It should be noted that the thickness of the Neogene clay in the vertical direction may reach more than 200.0 m in the lateral spreads. As a result of numeral design of the tensely-deformed state of changes of cut taking into account actual accelerogram of the Chernivtsi region on the basis of complex PLAXIS it is found out a direct dynamic method: seismic events by intensity to 6 points can considerably worsen descriptions of soils in the zone of shute, to influence on firmness of slope and size of pressure of change. The further increase of seismic of building (to 7-8 points) ground results in the substantial decline of coefficient of firmness. A slope at first proof (kst >1) goes across (kst=1) in a century  (kst<1).


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