Investigation of Ultrasonic Flowmeter Error in Conditions of Distortion of Flow Structure

Fedir Matiko2
  1. Department of Automation of Heat and Chemical Processes, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv, S. Bandery street 12.

Ultrasonic flowmeter error caused by distortion of flow structure has been investigated in this paper. Minimum number of acoustic chordal paths of multi-channel ultrasonic flowmeter was determined that ensures the error caused by distortion of flow structure less than the specified limits  0.3 %. The authors used Salami velocity function as a model of distortion of flow structure. Acoustic path configurations of ultrasonic flowmeter were determined using classical numerical methods of integration of Gauss-Jacobi. The authors improved the flow rate equation of ultrasonic flowmeter by introduction of calibration coefficient that was determined using symmetric component of Salami function.


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