Rheological Properties of Compositions Based on Modified Polyvinyl Alcohol

Viktoria Antoniuk1 antoniukviktoriav@gmail.com
Volodymyr Krasinskyi1
Natalia Khamula1
Iryna Yurkiv1
  1. Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Chemical Technology and Plastics Processing, Ukraine

Developed of a method for producing structured waterproof films based on polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and montmorillonite-polyvinylpyrrolidone mixture (MPM) to research the impact of borax, pH-environment and MPM content on the rheological properties PVA solutions and water absorption capacity of films based on them. The MPM mixture significantly affects on viscosity the characteristics of the solution polyvinyl alcohol provided their mixing in the ultrasonic field have been established. Composition of traces of sodium tetraborate in the aqueous solution eminent by the highest rates of viscosity. Also, designed compositions considerable influence pH at the viscosity, particularly compositions obtained in weakly alkaline environment with higher values of relative viscosity than compositions obtained in neutral and acidic environments.


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