Analysis and interpretations of recent local vertical movements of Dnister PSPP territory determined from precise levelling


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Ihor Savchyn Ph.D. Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv, Ukraine

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First published on this website: 11.11.2020 - 18:07

The purpose of the study is the analysis and interpretation of recent local vertical movements of the Dnister Pumped-Storage Power Plant (PSPP) (Ukraine). The study was conducted on the basis of precise levelling carried out on the site during 1999-2019. The average linear velocities of vertical movements are calculated and the field of their spatial distribution is constructed. Based on spatial distribution of the velocity field of vertical movements, the lifting zones of the territory, which are located on the border of several tectonic blocks, are identified. Zoning of the territory of the object on the basis of grouping of geodetic sites with similar kinematic characteristics is offered.


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