Determination of the catalytic complexes structure in the cyclohexane oxidation

Oleksandr Ivashchuk1
Oleksandr Suprun2
Viktor Reutskyy2
  1. Department of Chemical Engineering, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv, S. Bandery street 12
  2. Department of Technology of Organic Products, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv, S. Bandery street 12

A spectral analysis of catalytic solutions based on cobalt naphthenate in cyclohexanone with additives of ethanol and glycine for the cyclohexane oxidation process was conducted.


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[2] Ivashchuk O., Reutskyy V., Mudryy S., Zaichenko O., Mitina N. “Cyclohexane oxidation in the presence of variable valency metals chelates”, Chemistry & Chemical Technology, vol.6, 3, P.339-343, 2012.